PTT (LAO) Co., Ltd. is located in Hongkae Village, Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital. It was established in 1993 with a registered capital of 190,000,000,000 Kip. There are currently 131 employees. PTT (Laos) Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of PTT Oil and Public Company Limited, operates the following businesses:
- PTT Station
- Industry Group Businesses
- Factories / Projects / Constructions
- Non-oil Businesses
- Service center Procheck & Fit Auto
- Café Amazon
- Khao Piak Pou Pakse
- Pearly Tea
Conducted business under the logo of PTT Public Company Limited, which is an excellent business and adherences to the corporate social and environmental responsibility agreement. In the future, the marketing environment will aim to run the business efficiently with good corporate governance.